Thursday, August 6, 2009

reaching out

There is so much going on in the world of ideabox. As indicated in the previous blog post, we're excited by the continued interest in our houses and the very cool applications and projects people have for them. What is more interesting to me is all of the cool things our visitors are doing, what they're about, the places they are going or have been to, the lives being lived. It's a very cool world.

So this is a quick blog entry to simply say we are working on sharing all of this cool stuff via the web social communication stuff. The website is a given, so we added this blog. We're a little late in the blog game, but in short order it will be cool. We've also become part of the facebook community. And now the twitter community.

We're hoping to build the same experiences we have here at the ideabox world headquarters on the web. The sharing of cool stories. The amazing things we all do.

Stay tuned - there is some cool stuff coming from ideabox in the very near future.... But more on that later.....

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